Frequently asked questions is a online platform that brings parties together that are searching, selling, chartering, designing, professional commercial vessels, ship designs and services.
YES, it is free of use. You can browse through all of the offers and contact the broker, charterer, shipdesigner, etc. directly. In case you want to upload a vessel yourself, you only have to register your name and email. This is the same if you wish to leave a request for a specific vessel you require.
ShipSelector aims at the professional maritime industry. The main selection of the offers consists of oil tankers, fishing vessels, tugboats, ferry’s etc. We are not looking for privately owned small ships, speedboats and/or sailing vessels. If in doubt, please feel free to contact us by sending us an e-mail at
You can contact directly the above mentioned party through the contact from. You have to make a free registration first. ShipSelector is not a broker/charterer/ship designer/shipyard and we do not handle any financial or legal transactions.
No. ShipSelector is not a broker. ShipSelector brings together supply and demand. ShipSelector does not ask for any fees. We’d be grateful when, if you’ve sold/chartered/etc. your vessel, you would remove your vessel from our platform to keep it up to date.
The ShipSelector application makes use of an API connection with When the IMO number is not in their database, we can’t get the correct information.
The ShipSelector application makes use of an API connection with All information comes from this service. We cannot check or control the validity of this data. You can edit the information as you see fit.
The IMO field is the main identifier for ShipSelector. Through the IMO number we can check the validity of the vessel. By using the IMO number we know for sure that the vessel that is offered is compliant with the vessel specifications that we want to show on our website. The IMO field is not mandatory for designs or stock vessels.
No. You can also enter the IMO number without using the Marine Traffic button. We will check automatically if the IMO number is valid.
Yes, you can. If you want to delete your account, you can do so by clicking on the “Delete account” button in the user menu. Please note that all data, including recent offers etc. will be deleted completely.
To create an advertisement, follow these steps:
- First register or log in, then go to your "My Profile" in the USER MENU.
- In the Setting block (left of the screen), you can find "My Advertisements"
- In the right block, you can click "Create Advertisement" and a new screen will open.
- In the right block, also is shown the 2 advertise options "Buy 1000 credits" or "Buy 500 credits", you can choose either one. See for further details the FAQ "What are the costs of advertising on ShipSelector?"
- In this screen, you can design your advert by typing the "Title"/ "Description" (when you hoover over the advertisement) / uploading your file
- In the screen, you will see an example how the advert looks
- Next you can type the URL of the target webpage when a visitor clicks on the advert
- Now you can select where your advert will need to be shown (Ship for sale, Ship for charter and/or Design)
- In the next list you can also specify in what category your advert has to show
- When you are happy with your advertisement, you can click the "Active"-botton and your advertisement is live!
There are 2 options; you can choose 1000 credits for €900 and you can choose 500 credits for €500.
The cedits will work as follows:
- Each time one of your ads is shown to a user will cost you 0.5 credits.
- Each time a user clicks one of your ads will cost you 5 credits.
You will be notified when you have 100 credits left. As soon as there are no more credits, the advertisement will stop to show. You can activate the advertisement by buying credits again.
You will need a credit card to pay for the credit program. ShipSelector uses Stripe to handle the credit cards payments.
In your account, you can find and download your invoice as soon a payment has been made. NOTE: Make sure your company details are properly filled out in your account as these will be printed on your invoice.