The following container and bulk multipurpose vessels for sale.
Class: CCS.
Flag: China.
Total number of containers 933TEU.
Type and purpose of vessel General Dry Cargo Ship, Double Side Skin.
Gross tonnage 10,047 net tonnage 5,626.
The ship has a total length of 153M, a vertical length of 144M, a width of 20.8, a depth of 10.8M, and an average freeboard draft of 7.85M.
Ship speed Hull Classification Symbol ★CSA Hull additional symbol Equipped with Container Securing Arrangements; Ice Class B; Loading Computer (S); R1(D).
Turbine classification symbol ★CSM Turbine additional mark BRC.
Zhejiang Hoisong Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd.
The ship was built in China.
Ship construction time 2015-03-18.
Main engine construction factory Guangzhou Diesel
Host construction time 2014-12-17
Host type * Number 8G32*1; Number of cylinders * Diameter * Power * Speed 8*320*3552.00*600
Generator * Power * voltage * number MP-H-300-4*300.00*400*3;
Boiler number * pressure * Heating area 1*0.700* 15.00/120.00m2.
Cargo hold: 4.
Hatch cover: drop-off.
Just finished drydock.
Navigable area: A1+A2 (offshore).
Speed: 12 knots.
The place of trade is China.