Fast Rescue Craft - GTC900 Supply Tender

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GRS.Offshore Renewables GmbH


  • Offer type Ship for sale
  • Type Supply Vessel
  • Length 9m

  • Asking price in broker currency € 90 000
  • Asking price in your currency $ 100 026


GRS identification number: #1117254

Mare Safety GTC900 with twin diesel/ twin waterjet
strict “as is where is”
Maintenance OK but need to clean fuel tanks
Can be tested on water (need 3 days planning)
sits with a suitable davit on stock SWL 4,5 t.
2 x Steyr/ waterjets;
Comply with Equinor Area ERRV.
9 m with high speed comply with ERRV FRC
LOA 9 m
Flag : Norway
Auxiliaries Engines : Thruster : 2 x Water jet Steyr

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