GRS identification number: #1089269
LOA 108 m
Beam 47,5 m
Draft 5,1 m
Built in year 2016
Class : Bureau Veritas
Flag : France
Gross Tonnage of 9.242 and Nett Tonnage of 2.772
8 legs of 55m length
Dynamic Positioning of class : DP 1
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 4400 tons
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 110 tons
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 25 tons
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 6 tons
Free Deck area about 1.875m² with a deck strength of 30 metric tonnes per square meter
Deadweight : 6.086 metric tonnes
Total 12 berths
Speed : 3,5 knots
Engines : 4 x Caterpillar / Unknown Builder, 4.800 kw, 1.500 rpm, Propellers 4 Azimuth Elec. Dr. (Other Position)
Auxiliaries Engines : No Bowthruster + No Sternthruster