GRS identification number: #1085400
LOA 137 m
Beam 36 m
Draft 6,45 m
Built in year 2015
Class : Lloyd's Register
Flag : Belgium
Gross Tonnage of 13.004 and Nett Tonnage of 3.901
Deadweight : 18.661 metric tonnes
Free Deck area about 4.500m² with a deck strength of 20 metric tonnes per square meter
4-Point installed
1 PED installed with a max lifting capacity of 1000 tons
max lifting capacity of 800 tons
Total 73 berths
Engines : Unknown Builder
Auxiliaries Engines : 2 Caterpillar 492 kw
1 Deck
Capable of supplies of 1.056m³ Fuel Oils and 855m³ FW