GRS identification number: #1065609
This SOV is a modern DP2 subsea operations vessel. Equipped with a 50mT safe working load crane and accommodation for up to 126 personnel, the vessel has been deployed in a wide range of successful projects. These include ROV operations as well as saturation and air diving systems.
The 76m long vessel has a huge deck space of over 700m2 and operates in dynamic positioning 2 mode. The vessel's adaptability makes it ideal for subsea construction
support, inspection, repair and maintenance, abandonment and decommissioning support work.
- 76m DP2 subsea operations vessel with a 50mT SWL crane
-Fitted with a modular 12-man saturation diving system capable of operating at 200m depth
- Ideal for subsea construction support, IRM, abandonment and decommissioning
support work
- Accommodates up to 126 personnel
Built 2006
Class ABS
Notation + A1E OffshoreSopport Vessel, AMS + DPS2
Flag Liberia
Port of Registry Monrovia
Length Overall 76.00m
Breadth Moulded 20.00m
Depth Moulded 6.10m
Draft (max) 4.71m
GRT/NRT 3097 / 929
Main Engines 2 x 2040kW; Wartsila 6L26A
Main Generators 3 x 534kW @ 1500rpm Caterpillar 3412 DITA c/w Stamford HCM 634G1 alternators rated at 500kW / 415Vac / 3ph / 50Hz
Emergency Generator 1 x 52kW @ 1500 rpm Olympian GEP 65-3 c/w
Leroy Somer LL2014H alternators rated at 52kW / 415Vac / 3ph / 50Hz
Shaft Generator 2 x 1600kW @ 1000 rpm rated at 415Vac / 3ph / 60Hz
Bow Thruster 2 x 600kW electric-driven Wartsila LIPS Tunnel type (CPP); 10mT thrust
Propulsion 2 x Azimuth cpp type, Wartsila Lips
Anchor Windlass 1 x electro-hydraulic Mentrade HAW-GY48-01
Gypsies Suited for 48mm (Dia) chains rated pull 15mT @ 9m/min
Warping Drum 400mm (Dia) x 450mm (L)
Anchors 2 x 2140kg high holding power type
Chains 440m (L) x 48mm (Dia) Grade U2 (each side)
Capstan 2 x 5mT @ 15m/min electro-hydraulic;
Mentrade HVC 5T-01
Tugger Winch 2 x 10mT @ 15m/min electro-hydraulic;
Mentrade HUW-10mT
Articulated gangway 1 x 15m (L) x 1m (W) with main articulated extension of 7.5m (L) x 1m (W)
Recovery Buoy 4 x steel buoy w/ WT manhole inspection
Deck Crane (1) 1 x 50mT @ 15m outreach (Dy fac 1.3) / 10mT @
30m outreach (Dy fac 2.0) electro-hydraulic TTS
GPKO 1250-50-30
Deck Crane (2) Optional 1 x 5mT @ 9m marine crane, capable to 200m water depth
Mooring system Mentrade HMW-40mT 4-pt system comprising:-
4 x electro-hydraulic single-drum winches
4 x 5mT Delta Flipper anchors
Capacity: 4 x 500m (L) x 38mm (Dia) SWR
(Note: actual length of wire spooled on varies)
12 vertical sheaves & 4 universal fairleaders
Drum Capacity 1200m (L) x 38mm (Dia) SWR
Line Pull 40mT @ 0-10m/min @ 1st layer
10mT @ 0-30m/min @ 1st layer
Brake Capacity 90mT static @ 1st layer
Helideck D=20 T=9.3mT, Super Puma
Deadweight 2000mT @4.6m draft
Deck Cargo 1000mT
Deck Strength 7.5mT/m2
Clear Deck Area 700m2
Fuel Oil 1050m3
Fresh Water 1450m3
Ballast / Drill Water 780m3
Liquid Mud 210m3 in dual purpose tanks with FO
Cement Tank Nil
Freezer / Chiller 35m3 / 35m3
Maximum Speed 11 knots
Economical Speed 10 knots
Type of fuel Marine Gas Oil
Fuel Oil 1 x 200m3/hr @ 75m head; Azcue
Fresh Water 1 x 150m3/hr @ 75m head; Azcue
SWB / Drill Water 1 x 100m3/hr @ 40m head; Azcue
Liquid Mud 2 x 70m3/hr @ 85m head; (SG 2.5) Mission
Mess room Capacity for 100 pax c/w tables & chairs
Office 2 offices, each furnished for 1 person
Prayer room 1 fully carpeted prayer room
Workshop 1 workshop complete w/ basic tools & machinery
GMDSS Furuno RC-1800mT (Area 3) comprising
SSB 1 x Furuno FS-2570 with built-in DSC watch receiver
Inmarsat C 1 x Furuno Felcom 15
VHF Radio 2 x Furuno Fm 8500 with built-in DSC watch receiver
Navtex Receiver 1 x Furuno NX 500 (518 khz)
SART 2 x McMurdo S4 (9GHz)
EPIRB 1 x McMurdo 406
Portable VHF Radios 3 x McMurdo R2
Radar 1 x Furuno FR 2115
1 x Furuno FR 2135-S
Echo Sounder 1 x Furuno FE 700
GPS 1 x Furuno GP 90
Gyrocompass 3 x Navigat x 4914CA (Sperry)
Autopilot 1 x Anschuetz Pilotstar D
Magnetic Compass 1 x Cassens & Plath Reflecta 1
Weather Fox 1 x Furuno FAX 207
Speed Log 1 x Furuno DS-80
AIS 1 x Furuno FA-100
DP System 1 x Kongsberg SDP21 incld:
HIPAP500 System, 500mm Gate Valve
SJS01 Independent joystick system
2 x MRU-D motion sensors,
1 x MRU-5, 2 x wind sensors
1 x LWT taut wire
Vessel also fitted with Vingtor ACM PA talkbalk system & selfpowered telephones
Fire Pump 2 x 1,500m3 /hr @ 14 bar, Unitor
Fire Monitor 2 x 1,200m3 /hr @ 12 bar, Unitor
Emergency Fire Pump 1 x 35m3 /hr @ 45m head; Azcue Oil Dispersant System 2 x 6m Alum spray boom c/w 6 nozzles each
Full flooding CO2 system in engine room
Search Lights 2 x 2,000W Zhejiang Hai Xin
Floodlights 5 x 1,000W aqua signal
Liferafts 16 x 25 men SOLAS approved type
Lifeboat 1 x 75 men (Portside)
Rescue Boat 1 x 8 men inflatable c/w outboard motor
Water Maker 2 x 30m3 /day reverse osmosis, Seanly Tech
Oily Water Separator 1 x 1m3 /hr Jiang Shu Nanji
Sewage Treatment Plant 1 x 200 men/day JuangShu Nanji WCB 50
Berths 6 x 1, 6 x 2, 27 x 4
Total Berths 126
Hospital 2 x 4 berth cabins
LOA 76 m
Beam 20,8 m
Draft 4700 m
Built in year 2006, rebuilt in 2020
Class : Bureau Veritas
Flag : Bahamas
Gross Tonnage of 3.466 and Nett Tonnage of 1.039
Dynamic Positioning of class : DP 2
Free Deck area about 700m²
Heli Deck installed
4-Point installed
Saturated Diving System installed
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 50 tons
Deadweight : 2.000 metric tonnes
Capable of supplies of 1.050m³ Fuel Oils, 1.450m³ FW and 210m³ Liquid Mud
Total 126 berths
6 cabins with 1 berth
6 cabins with 2 berths
27 cabins with 4 berths
Speed : 10 knots
Engines : 2 x Wartsila / Wartsila Finland Oy 6L26A, 4.100 kw, 1.000 rpm, Propellers 1 Controllable Pitch (Port Side) + 1 Controllable Pitch (Starboard)
Auxiliaries Engines : 3 Caterpillar 534 kw, Bowthruster + No Sternthruster (2 Bow Tunnel thruster 600kw Wartsila LIPS tunnel bowthrusters)