GRS identification number: #1134562
1600TON WTIV; Direct with owner, ship is constructed and owned at class A shipyard. 131m leg length, DP2, 8konts, Variable load 5500tons, water depth 70m, truss leg, 130 POB; LIFTING OVER DECK 175m, one of the best designs in the market.
Class: CCS
Notation: ?CSA Self-elevating, Offshore Wind Turbine Service Unit, Crane Unit; Lifting Appliance; PSPC(B); G-EP(GPR); ?CSM AUT-0, DP-2;Electrical Propulsion System;
Flag: China
AFT AzimuthThrusters:
- Rate power 3 x 3000 kW
- FWT AzimuthThrusters:
- Rate power 2 x 2200 kW
- Speed 8knots
Dynamic Positioning DP2
Jacking System:
Drive Electric
Normal Jacking Capacity 250+10% Ton per Pinion
Preload jacking capacity 375+10% Ton per Pinion
Jacking Speed 0.8m/min
Leg Stroking Speed 1.0m/min
1600T LEC Heavy Lift Crane 1600
Main Hoist 1600t @ 39.5m
1200t@50m; Lifting over deck 175m
Whip Hoist 450t @ 70m
300T LEC Heavy Lift Crane
Main Hoist 300t @ 42m
Whip Hoist15t @ 89.5m
10t Provision Crane
Lifting capacity 10t @ 4.0m ~20.0 m
Design Criteria:
Extreme Operational Conditions
Max. Elevated Weight 30000T
Maximum water depth 70 m
Air gap to SWL 12 [m]
Maximum wave height 15 [m]
Operating wind speed (1 min at 10m) 36.0 [m/s]
Surface current 3 [knots]
LOA 125,14 m
Beam 48 m
Draft 6,6 m
Built in year 2024
Class : China Classification Society
Flag : China
Gross Tonnage of 18.702 and Nett Tonnage of 5.610
4 legs of 131m length for max water depth of 70m
Dynamic Positioning of class : DP 2
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 1600 tons
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 300 tons
2 Cranes / Gears installed with a max lifting capacity of 10 tons
Free Deck area about 3.400m²
Deadweight : 8.418 metric tonnes
Total 130 berths
10 cabins with 10 berths
20 cabins with 20 berths
20 cabins with 80 berths
Engines : 1 x Unknown Builder, Propellers 1 x Center
Auxiliaries Engines : Bowthruster + Sternthruster (2 Bow Tunnel thruster + 3 Stern Tunnel thruster)