GRS identification number: #1081581
General Particulars
Built 2009/2010
Vessels are normally always supplied in a 19m x 12m configuration they can also be supplied in 12m X12m, 18m x 18m configuration based on project requirements.
C5 Quadra float units - Each 12.2m X 3.05m X 1.52m
C5 Duo float units – Each 6.1m x 3.05m x 1.52m
Dimensions can be any combination of the above units as per customer spec and requirements once it forms a safe platform which meets minimum floating and elevated stability criteria.
Barge assembly layout can be altered to suit customers’ requirements. (I.e. Extra Moon pools)
Legs & Leg Extensions
4 x 18m Supplied as standard
4 x 8.5m bolt on extensions available as required.
Max Deck Load: 15000Kg / M²
Max Lift: 120T / 80T Depending on barge size / spudwells in use.
Safety: Full complement of Lifejackets / Life raft / Safety Boat / DSC VHF, TPA’s Electronics etc. Supplied with vessel as required to equal MCA Cat 2 / Dept. Of Transport P3 Requirements
Power pack –
80HP Deutz Hydraulic – Twin Pump (Total of 4 Available) – Barges are normally always supplied with two power packs (i.e. One Redundant Unit)
Crew Facilities
Welfare units with Full Mess Facilities, WC, Changing and storage and drying areas available as required.
1 x ICOM Fixed VHF, 2 X ICOM Handheld VHF
Full complement of Navigation and Barge Lights
Rigid 10m Aluminium Gangway and Pilot Ladder (Backup)
2 Grove Hydraulic Cranes (Mounted to Combifloats Interconnectors)
1.5 TON @ 6 METRES, 8.25 TON @ 1 METRE,
370? SLEW / TELESCOPIC with 15M wire on winch
Work Area
Layout as per customers’ needs
Winches and 4 Point Mooring
Hydraulic Winches, Warp and Delta Flipper Anchors can be
Supplied as required
Loadline and Loadline exemptions included as required to meet
the operational requirements of the jurisdiction.
Fastnet Jack 1 and Fastnet Jack 3 are ideally suited to
Site investigations, piling, crane work and horizontal
Directional drilling projects.
Vessels are fully road transportable and are supplied with full complement of required navigational and safety equipment as required.
LOA 19 m
Beam 12 m
Built in year 2009
4 legs of 18m length
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 8,25 tons
1 Crane / Gear installed with a max lifting capacity of 1,5 tons