Norah is a vessel suitable for survey, passenger transfer, construction support and shallow water surveys. To be optionally equipped with high-technology instrumentation, it serves very well in shallow and/or coastal areas in oceanographic, bathymetric, etc. survey works.
This agile, robust and handy vessel has served in numerous project operations in full success having provided one hundred customer satisfaction.
Being like new, she awaits the next owner in very good shape.
Buying in case both with survey equipment, seller promises full training for the survey systems.
• Maximum speed : 20 knot
• Air conditioner and heater
• Desk for surveyors and seats for passengers
• Low noise ratio inside the cabinet (<80 db)
• Low fuel consumption (app. 8-12 l/h at survey speed)
• High maneuver capability for surveying Instrumentation
Instrumentation (Optional):
• Edgetech 3400, 2-16 khz CHIRP Subbottom Profiler with 50 m tow cable and hull mount
• Deep Vision DE3468D Dual Frequency Digital and CHIRP Side Scan Sonar with 150 m tow cable and hull mouth option
• Geometrics G-882 Marine Magnetometer with 250 m tow cable
• Ohmex SonarMite BTX OEM Single beam Echosounder
• AML Oceanographic Base X SVP (SV, CT & D)
• LinkQuest 600 Khz Acustics Current Profiler (ADCP) + Wave
• High grade fanless industrial PC for MB acquisition
Istanbul, Turkiye